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Our genealogy research services offer you the option of either ordering a research package or of doing the research yourself on the premises using the many resources available in our archives and library.

Please note: We specialize in the genealogy of French-Canadians (primarily from Western Canada and Québec) and the Métis of Western Canada (from west of Thunderbay, Ontario, to British Columbia). We do not have access to foreign records and we do not have the resources to conduct research on ancestors originating in the Maritimes and from outside of Canada.


"Working Together To Better The Lives of Aboriginal People"

CUMFI is considered one of the leading Aboriginal Supported Housing and Wellness Community Organizations in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. With properties through out the Saskatoon Core Neighbourhood. CUMFI provides vital supports for the disenfranchised and vulnerable populations while also providing affordable living for those in need. CUMFI’s focus has always been and continues to be on women, children and families. Additionally, CUMFI provides cultural guidance and supports to a plethora of organizations and businesses in the community. Its partnerships with both the Catholic and Public- School boards are integral in the teaching and learning of Metis and First Nation Culture and history. 

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